4 “Business Hygiene” Practices to keep Creative Entrepreneurs from feeling like their business is a hot mess

Jessica Lackey
2 min readJan 15, 2022

You wake up to an overflowing inbox, grumpy clients, a questionable sales pipeline that hasn’t been touched in months… and wonder what the heck happened?

I’ve been there — and trust me, you aren’t alone. It is so easy to get caught in the flow of work that we let the business get away from us.

Here are 4 daily “business hygiene” practices to keep your business manageable for the long run.

Why Daily? We want to reduce the decision fatigue from having to decide IF or WHEN to do these practices.

Habit change and adding structure creates a new mental task that can feel uncomfortable. But the mental overwhelm and anxiety from “feeling behind” and not quite sure how to catch up is REAL.

  1. Morning Personal “Hygiene”: Create some space for your thoughts, either through meditation, breathwork, or morning pages. Move your body. Set your intention for the day and know your most important task.
  2. Mid-Day Engagement “Hygiene”: During your mid-day energy dip, reach out to who lights you up. Take care of your clients. Reach out to 2–3 prospects with something of service. Engage with your audience on social media, or join the conversation on someone else’s audience.
  3. End of Day Admin “Hygiene”: Finish any urgent tasks from the day. Do a blitz through your email and either respond (<2 minutes), create a task, or file the email.
  4. Writing/Thinking “Hygiene”: Whenever is your creative “hot spot” time, reflect on what you’ve learned or dreamed about today. And write.

Doing these tasks daily keeps you in tune with your business so you feel more clear and confident.

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Jessica Lackey

Building stronger, sustainable, human-centered businesses